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Provisional sketch of the automatic car park

Trafic Patterns in Parking Facility

It is imperative that safety and comfort in the car park is first class. Prior to opening the facility, we will have an extensive running-in period, where we will conduct thorough trial runs and tests of the system.

In order to organise the traffic and user-friendliness in the best possible way, we have, among other things, used traffic consultants’ analyses of traffic patterns, turns, swing angles and general space in the facility.

Mock-up of parking facility

In order to test the facility in as realistic a way as possible, representatives of the project owner, architects and consultants have tried – in their own cars – what it will be like to park in Mediaspace.

This was possible by way of a so-called mock-up. It is a model in scale 1:1 which was built using wooden beams. By driving through the mock-up they tested what it is like to park in a house that is still on the drawing board.

Mockup of the car park