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An analysis of urban life in the area and the potential users of the spaces has been an element of the work with the new waterfront spaces.

The sketch below shows some of the new waterfront’s neighbours.

Sketch of the neighbours to the waterfront spaces

People in transit

Local and regional traffic flows of people on their way to for example work or school will pass the waterfront spaces on foot, by bicycle, car or public transport.


The neighbours are the people living, working or walking in the area. The neighbours will use the spaces for the little breaks in their everyday lives: walk the dog, enjoy an out-door lunch break, arrange a Friday bar, eat an ice cream or play volleyball during recess.


The guests are the people visiting the waterfront spaces to be close to the water, borrow media at the library, picnic, skate, meet friends, kayak or enjoy the scenery and the architecture.

More occasional guests such as tourists and people attending concerts, sports tournaments or fairs will also visit the waterfront spaces.